Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I am...

More than fine
More than bent on getting by
More than fine
More than just OK

finally out of the pms woods. past few days have been so fragile, at the verge of tears over the slightest thing. so emotional! i remember getting so madly pissed off with the printer and feeling very out of sorts in social settings. but now i'm fine! more than fine actually!

but is it really just hormones? seems so, cos looking back now it seems so silly. ah well. unpredictable as usual. dont you like me better that way?


At 9:46 AM, Blogger enai said...

me too! PMS, and then... itself.. and the hormones... but really maybe not.

Sigh. been getting by, i understand that. Trying to not like the emotions get the better of me! Not to talk about possible depression. And of course, I could always excuse myself, blame it on jetlag, homesickness and whatnot. I know better.... or do i??


heh.. and I like you either way. =)


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